Sunday, April 18, 2010

home security equipment

Home security concerns are foremost on all homeowner's minds, as the number of thefts and burglaries are on the increase. Surveillance equipment has become popular, as they are deterrents to unsavory elements with nefarious intentions.

Wireless Video Surveillance Systems

These are easy to use and install. The systems comprise camera, transmitter, receiver, antenna, cable, monitor or VCR, motion detectors, alarm and about 12-volt dc. Be sure to study your house carefully and determine the optimum positions for your cameras. Figure out if you will be using a covert style or overt style of surveillance system. In covert style select optimum positions for your cameras, which you choose to hide from prying eyes. In overt style you are letting people know that you are filming them, which can be a cause for criminals to hesitate attempting a break-in.

While video surveillance system has its advantages such as catching criminals in the act of burglary, identifying criminals and getting them a firmer punishment, it is a costly procedure requiring constant maintenance and cameras themselves could be the targets of potential thieves.

Night Vision Cameras

Night vision cameras could be based on thermal imaging or image enhancement technologies. They are used to detect motion, which are not perceptible to the human eye in the dark. They are good additions to your home security systems.

Web Cameras

Many people have resorted to using web cameras placed at convenient locations to become rather inexpensive video surveillance systems. People get alarm systems that permit PC's to call cell phones when alarms are sounded alerting homeowners who are away and concerned about home security. These networking cameras are easier to use, could provide details such as who visited and when the kids left to play etc. giving parents far from home accurate information about their home security as well as their children's security. But the images are not of high quality, maintaining it could drain your computers resources.

These are all very well, good home security systems, but you need to strengthen your doors, windows etc. to make it real hard for a burglar to vandalize your house. You could go in for a high priced top end CCTV surveillance system offering better control, security and peace of mind!

Home security is extremely important for security sake as well as to be able to leave your kids alone at home while you are at work, or when single senior citizens live by themselves, or when you leave your house due to seasonal reasons etc. choose your home security system wisely within a budget and make sure it is utilized to a maximum.

Networking security

As more people are logging onto the Internet everyday, Network Security becomes a larger issue. In the United States, identity theft and computer fraud are among the fastest rising crimes. It is important to protect your network and ensure the safety of all computers and users in that network.

What is a Network?

In order to fully understand network security, one must first understand what exactly a network is. A network is a group of computers that are connected. Computers can be connected in a variety of ways. Some of these ways include a USB port, phone line connection, Ethernet connection, or a wireless connection. The Internet is basically a network of networks. An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is also a network. When a computer connects to the internet, it joins the ISP's network which is joined with a variety of other networks, which are joined with even more networks, and so on. These networks all encompass the Internet. The vast amount of computers on the Internet, and the number of ISPs and large networks makes network security a must.

Common Network Security Breeches

Hackers often try to hack into vulnerable networks. Hackers use a variety of different attacks to cripple a network. Whether you have a home network or a LAN, it is important to know how hackers will attack a network.

One common way for a hacker to wreak havoc is to achieve access to things that ordinary users shouldn't have access to. In any network, administrators have the ability to make certain parts of the network "unauthorized access." If a hacker is able to gain access to a protected area of the network, he or she can possibly affect all of the computers on the network. Some hackers attempt to break into certain networks and release viruses that affect all of the computers in the network. Some hackers can also view information that they are not supposed to see.

Destructive Attacks

There are two major categories for destructive attacks to a network. Data Diddling is the first attack. It usually is not immediately apparent that something is wrong with your computer when it has been subjected to a data diddler. Data diddlers will generally change numbers or files slightly, and the damage becomes apparent much later. Once a problem is discovered, it can be very difficult to trust any of your previous data because the culprit could have potentially fooled with many different documents.

The second type of data destruction is outright deletion. Some hackers will simply hack into a computer and delete essential files. This inevitably causes major problems for any business and can even lead to a computer being deemed useless. Hackers can rip operating systems apart and cause terrible problems to a network or a computer.

building best networking

If you want to succeed, build a great team. A great team multiplies your prospects for success; it enables you to form relationships with powerful people who can make your dreams come true. A great network supports your strengths, fills in your weaknesses and allows you to d build on your teammates' accomplishments. When you have a great team, people assume that you are great and will stand in line to get to know you, do business with you, and help you. They will also be delighted to pay your price.

Okay, so you understand the value of a strong network. Now, how do you get started in building a great network?.Well, unless you've been living in total seclusion, you already have a network in place. And your network is probably more extensive than you realize. It may not be a great network yet, but it's a beginning and a place from which to build. Your network most likely consists of your family, friends, schoolmates and business associates. It includes people with whom you've conducted business, socialized or otherwise interacted. In addition, the members of your network members' networks are also members of your network. Therefore, if your accountant is a member of your network, so are all the members of your accountant's network.

To build great networks, you need great people: great lawyers, doctors, dentists, accounts, insurance agents, friends, etc. If a disaster arose in the middle of the night, whom would you call? Can you count on him/her? Would he/she solve your problem? If a disaster arose in the middle of the night, who would call you? How could you help? Could they count on you?.If you want to build a great network, you must continually expand and upgrade your existing network. Everything always changes and what constitutes a great network today, could be less than great tomorrow. Network members drop out and lose interest: they change businesses, interests, and their lives and so will you. In networking, expanding and upgrading is a never-ending process: heads of states, CEOs, established leaders at every strata of society are constantly seeking to find the best people and incorporate them into their networks, add them to their teams. So the process of expanding and upgrading never stops; it's what building a network is about.

To expand and upgrade your network requires focus. Once you realize that you have a network, it's time sharpen your focus and begin to see with new eyes. Continually look for new and better network members and search for links that tie your network members with virtually everyone you meet and everything you experience. Search for opportunities for your network members and help them reach their goals.

Follow the example of the successful people in your life. Have you noticed how frequently they take new information and relate it to their particular area of expertise?.Have you observed that writers tend to see everything as material for potential stories, financiers always look at the bottom line, publicists think about promotional possibilities, comics turn everything into humor, lawyers probe for hidden liabilities and medical workers zero in on health?

Well, successful networkers operate on the same principle. They're obsessed with connections and instinctively search for them. Accomplished networkers see the world in terms of leads, contacts, and opportunities that will bring them closer to network relationships. They view the world optimistically and see every possibility as an opening that could lead them to their pot of gold.

networking marketting business

At first the only social networks were free to join major networks like MySpace and Facebook. Their networks are open to absolutely everyone from anywhere and they have grown like wildfire across the web. Even network marketers joined these networks and still do in order to market their opportunities or products through these sites. It is definitely smart because it is a great free way to get that extra exposure even though the audiences of these networks are not necessarily targeted. In recent months social networking has become even more so a big topic, and especially among network marketers.

However, the value of marketing on Myspace and Facebook is quickly dropping. This is due to the massive release of new and niche focused social networks. The fact is that this year alone I have seen an increasing number of professional social networks geared towards network marketers launching and becoming increasingly popular. To name a few: TalkMoola, Zenzuu, Friendswin, Yuwie, and Wowzza. A couple older ones are DirectMatches, AdLandPro, and even Ryze. Honestly I wouldn't even be the least bit surprised to see a few more start-up this year - that is how much it is catching on! It is also obvious why they do become so popular among network marketers, because there is no better advertising than targeted advertising. Exposing your business opportunity, system, or product to other network marketers is simply the most effective thing to do. Once a network marketer joins you they already have had their foot in the door and are somewhat knowledgeable about the industry and can greatly help your business. However if a random person from MySpace sees and joins your business they are not nearly as valuable to you because they most likely have no idea what they are doing or what network marketing is even about.

So when network marketers are invited with the ability to join a social network full of network marketers it is almost a no-brainer. Just to clarify why I said "almost"... It is because not all network marketers have caught on to the power of social networking yet or how to properly use social networking to explode their businesses. But the ability to further expose themselves and their business to other like-minded people is extremely valuable and profitable for most. The old way of network marketing is out, and I see the future holding tight to social marketing through professional social networks. Even so, many of these new business social networks are offering incentives for those who join. These range from revenue sharing, direct affiliate commissions, and various MLM pay plans. Through this supporting these new business social networks they will experience the increased awareness and exposure that they deserve.

what is ip addressing


A network can be defined as the interconnection of autonomous computers linked together to facilitate communication while networking is the simple concept of connected computers.

Networks and networking have grown exponentially over the last 15years; they have evolved at light speed just to keep up with huge increases in basic critical user needs such as sharing data and printers, as well as more advanced demands such as video conferencing.



A LAN (Local Area Network) is a group of computers and network devices connected together, usually within the same building. A Local Area Network (LAN) is a high-speed communication system designed to link computers and other data processing devices together within a small geographical area, such as a workgroup, department, or building. Local Area Networks implement shared access technology. This means that all the devices attached to the LAN share a single communications medium, usually a coaxial, twisted pair or fibre optic cable.


Metropolitan area networks or MANs are large computer networks usually spanning a city or a town. They typically use wireless infrastructure or optical fibre connections to link their sites.

The IEEE 802-2001 standard describes a MAN as being: "A MAN is optimized for a larger geographical area than is a LAN, ranging from several blocks of buildings to entire cities. MANs can also depend on communications channels of moderate to high data rates. A MAN might be owned and operated by a single organization, but it usually will be used by many individuals and organizations. MANs might also be owned and operated as public utilities. They will often provide means for internetworking of local networks. Metropolitan area networks can span up to 50km."


Wide Area Network (WAN) is a computer network that covers a broad area. A WAN in compares to a MAN, is not restricted to a geographical location, although it might be restricted to a geographical locations, it might also be confined within the bounds of a state or country. A WAN connects several LANs, and may be limited to an enterprise (a corporation or organization) or accessible to the public.

The technology is high speed and relatively expensive. The INTERNET is an example of a worldwide public WAN.



Routers are used to connect networks together and route packets of data from one network to another. Routers, by default break up a broadcast domain, which is the set of all devices on a network segment that hear all broadcasts sent on that segment.

Routers also break up collision domains. This is an Ethernet term used to describe a network scenario where one particular device sends a packet on a network segment, forcing every other device on that segment to pay attention to it. At the same time, a different device tries to transmit, leading to a collision, after which both devices must retransmit one at a time.

Routers run on the layer 3 of the OSI (Open System Interconnection) reference model.


Switches are used for network segmentation based on the MAC addresses. Switches look at the incoming frame's hardware addresses before deciding to either forward the frame or drop it.

Switches break up collision domains but the hosts on the switch are still members of one big broadcast domain.


A hub is really a multiple port repeater. A repeater receives a digital signal and re-amplifies or regenerates that signal, and then forwards the digital signal out all active ports without looking at any data. An active hub does the same thing. This means all devices plugged into a hub are in the same collision domain as well as in the same broadcast domain, which means that devices share the same bandwidth. Hubs operate at the physical layer of the OSI model.


An IP address is a numeric identifier assigned to each machine on an IP network. It designates the specific location of a device on the network. An IP address is a software address and designed to allow host on one network to communicate with a host on a different network regardless of the type of LANs the hosts are participating in.


Bit: A bit is one digit, either a 1 or a 0.

Byte: A byte is 7 or 8 bits, depending on whether parity is used.

Octet: An octet, made up of 8 bits is just an ordinary 8 bit binary number. In most cases byte and octet are completely interchangeable.

Network address: This is the designation used in routing to send packets to a remote network. For example,, and are network addresses.

Broadcast address: The address used by applications and hosts to send information to all nodes on a network is called the broadcast address. Examples include which is all networks, all nodes;, which is all subnets and hosts on network


An IP address consists of 32 bits of information (IPV4). IPV6, a new version of IP consists of 128 bits of information. The 32 bits IP is divided into four sections referred to as octet or bytes each containing 1 byte (8bits).

An IP address is depicted using any of these 3 methods.

Dotted decimal, as in

Binary, as in 10101100.00010000.00011110.00111000

Hexadecimal, as in AC.10.1E.38

All this examples represent the same IP address. But the most commonly used is the dotted decimal. The Windows Registry stores a machine's IP address in hex.

The 32 bit IP address is a structured or hierarchical address, as opposed to a flat non hierarchical address. Although either type of addressing scheme could have been used, hierarchical addressing was chosen for a good reason. The advantage of this scheme is that it can handle a large number of addresses, namely 4.3 billion (a 32 bit address space with two possible values for each position that is either 1 or 0 gives 237, or 4,294,967,296).

The disadvantage of the flat addressing scheme relates to routing. If every address were unique, all routers on the internet would need to store the address of each and every machine on the internet. This would make efficient routing impossible.


The network address uniquely identifies each network. Every machine on the same network shares that network address as part of its IP address. In the IP address of, 172.16 is the network address.

The node address is assigned to and uniquely identifies each machine on a network. This number can also be referred to as host address. In, 30.56 is the node address. Class A network is used when a small number of networks possessing a very large number of nodes are needed. Class C network is used when numerous networks with a small number of node is needed.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

benits of EDI consulting

Obtaining EDI consulting for your business gets you consulting services for one of the newest and greatest technologies available to businesses. For businesses new to EDI and even businesses that have begun implementing EDI technology, a consultant can help immensely in getting an EDI system setup and helping to choose the correct system for the business. EDI technologies are fairly new so some businesses are not even sure where to begin.

What is EDI and what does it do?

EDI stands for electronic data interchange. Essentially, EDI technology reduces the reliance on paper-based mail and fax machines by making these things more computer oriented. Instead of sending a fax with a fax machine, a person would send the document virtually using the EDI server. The person receiving the fax, can receive it traditionally, or through their own EDI server.

This flexibility also extends to virtual purchase order systems as well. Instead of manually filling out and mailing a purchase order then waiting for your order and having to verify the accuracy of the order, the process of replenishing inventory becomes automated. Your EDI system works with your POS system to know when an order needs to be placed and what should be put on the order and sends the request electronically to the company. If the company has an EDI system, the order may even go through automatically; if they do not, they receive a fax that is clean and much easier to read than a standard, mailed or faxed, purchase order.

EDI Consulting: What can it do for me?

Simply put, getting a consultant to help with your EDI implementation will make sure that you purchase the right product and get the maximum benefit out of your EDI technology. There are various EDI solutions available and while many strive to be compatible with all other technologies, some have strengths and weaknesses. A consultant will help match EDI services with the existing business and find places where an EDI system can help that the end-user may not think of. A consultant will help maximise the communication between POS systems and the EDI technology or suggest a POS system that has the EDI technology built in.

Implementing the EDI system is where a consultant really earns their keep though. The typical system has various components that all must be integrated as well as EDI software setup on the company's server system. Between all of these integral parts, making them work together has the potential to be a challenge to someone that is not familiar with the technology.

Finally, a consultant will be able to come in and help the users get up to speed with all the facets of the EDI systems. Many consultants for EDI are excellent at training people as well as implementing the technology. For many companies, this training element is one of the most important; helping employees that created the old systems or are simply concerned about using technology get up to speed with the new systems.

social networking

When talking relationships, some think of in-person, others simplify it to virtual connections. It is very crucial to realize the power of the Internet and the big shift that is happening because of social media. And I am not talking ONLY about marketing; I am referring to the way we are connecting with each other, communicating, building relationships and more.

I can discuss over and over again how important it is to interact with others in-person, looking them in the eye, shaking their hands. After all, we are humans and we DO thrive on human interaction! Am I correct?That being said, we simply cannot ignore the huge impact of social media on our daily routine. People are conversing, connecting, conducting business - we are reaching out on a GLOBAL level! Although this seems very exciting, there are some rules that can't be avoided in order to establish successful relationships:

RULE #1 It is NOT All About You - When reaching out and connecting with others, make sure that you are LISTENING to their needs and goals so you can figure out a way to help them. Remember, NETWORKING is YOUR pay-it-forward opportunity where you give back BEFORE receiving. It is all about how you can help others, introduce them, send them referrals and support them to achieve their goals.

Imagine you are at a party sharing with a group of few people, except that you are keeping that spotlights on YOU: telling a story about you, sharing an experience, accomplishment, joke... without giving the chance to others to respond or share their stories. How boring is that? What would the rest of the group want to stick around? You are NOT communicating, interacting or even engaging them in the conversation... They will simply be leaving the group and you will be left alone. Being online is very similar. Make it a two-way communication and give others the chance to engage with you. It is really about THEM!

Rule #2 Set Content Expectations - Regardless if you will be managing your messages, blogs, Tweets... or if you delegate to an employee or outsource to a social media specialist; you need to be CLEAR on Content Expectations. Have a guideline that the writer needs to follow. Make sure they are familiar with your brand, services, products... they know who you are and what your goals are. It is very important to discuss a plan and put a strategy in place so you avoid mistakes. Remember, the Internet is public and the information you post out there, will be there for a long time! A small mistake could damage your brand and reputation quickly!

RULE #3 Contribute Meaningful Content - Again, very similar to networking in-person, when you are online, you still want to be a resource to others. People browse the Internet because they are looking for specific information; they are looking for answers to their questions. When publishing online content, make sure that it is geared towards making a difference in the reader's day and adding value. If the reader enjoys the content, they will comment back and they will also share with THEIR network of Fans and Followers, opening big doors of opportunities to both of you.

RULE#4 Have a Blog - A while back, it was very critical for every business to have a website. Today, it is CRUCIAL to have a Blog. While visiting your website and reading its content, your prospects approach your message with resistance because they do expect a sales pitch. But your blog is a totally different story. And although the content might reflect a soft sales messages, readers tend to approach the content with less resistance. They usually expect resourceful information on a blog; something to add on their knowledge and build on their education.

business networking

You may have dreamed of expanding your contacts list of clients and business associates and you have thought of networking. The problem is you, just like many others, only have limited time to increase your list or meet new people to achieve your goal.

Also, it can become a personality issue. If you belong to the socially outgoing types you won't have any problem and connect easily, but if you belong to the extrovert group you will find this endeavor somewhat harder than you expected.With the Internet, a big part of your problem is solved as it has made networking a lot easier than before. In many websites you can search for anything you want to find. Joining a group which shares your interests in business is a cinch and you can find people who can be potential clients or associates.

Email usergroups can help you receive news and information that you need. You can even be physically present in an event near your place and have the chance to do networking with real people.Just make sure you have with you loads of business cards when this happens. Try to be effective in distributing them by targeting the most people as possible.Attitude is also a very crucial feature of networking. You have to make sure that you are easily seen without being too assertive or domineering. It is equally important for you to be nice and amiable.

Simple efforts on your part could spell a big difference in what you try to achieve. It may take a lot longer than you expected, but the main thing is your efforts paid off.Effective networking is the best answer to your goal of seeing your business grow. With networking, the values you can derive are endless whether getting new partners or taking in additional business.l

important things to start a networking community

Business is all about who you know. Building your network is a lifelong journey, but while some do it the hard way, others take a much easier route by actively facilitating their network as opposed to passively letting it build itself. It takes hard work to build your network, but a few simple tips can help make it more of a fun, natural and genuine process.

Be social

Sounds simple, but be more social! Talk to everyone. When someone needs help, be of service to them. Be friendly. There is a fine line between being social for selfish reasons and being social just for the sake of being social. The main difference is that being selfishly social is easily noticeable by others and will lead people to think you are only making friends for your own personal benefit - which is never a good public persona to have. Be social for the sake of helping others. Try to have an altruistic outlook on life. Before you know it, a solid network will have voluntarily formed around you.

Be prepared

You never know who you will meet. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities present themselves when you least expect them. Sometimes the difference between successful people and those who do not succeed is the fact that those who were successful took advantage of opportunities when they appeared while others dropped the ball. How can you prepare for something that you are not expecting? For starters, you can make sure you always have your business cards with you, you are always dressed well, and you can know your elevator pitch by heart.

Be useful to others

If you have industry knowledge - share it with someone in need. If you can provide some valuable advice to someone, go ahead and provide it. Don't expect anything in return, but people are generally good and remember nice gestures for a very long time. People will eventually see you as an expert in your field willing to help others.

build networking community

People get lucky - it's just a fact of life. However, putting yourself in certain situations can drastically increase your chances of good things happening - if you know where these situations are and what to look for. Would you like to grow your network by meeting the smartest, most influential people you can possibly meet? How can you increase the odds of this happening to you? Simple - understand the places with the highest odds of this happening, and stay aware. Here are some examples of these places:


Airports are very interesting places. Majority of the people traveling through airports fall into two main categories - vacationers and business-people. Regardless of which category an individual falls into, chances are they are well-connected and somewhat successful if they are traveling for business or have enough money to vacation. Airports put people in very social situations - long lines, lounges, bars, airplane cabins with seats very close together - so take advantage and be friendly! Worse case scenario? You have a great conversation!

Entrepreneur clubs

Entrepreneur clubs can be found everywhere, from your local Chamber of Commerce to local universities. These clubs are meant for networking purposes, and better yet, they are full of people similar to yourself - bright, motivated and entrepreneurial. From personal experience, these clubs are very social, very fun and always welcome new members.


Colleges and Universities are incubators for innovation, entrepreneurial thinking, social gatherings and successful people. Best case scenario is to attend for undergrad and then again for graduate education if you are ambitious enough, but even if you cannot or do not want to attend college, you can still take advantage of what local public universities have to offer, such as public networking events, public speakers and some clubs.


LinkedIn - the "professional's" Facebook seems to be its unofficial tagline, yet it fits the description perfectly. LinkedIn is very useful for searching for jobs or to hire employees, stay connected with others and to see who knows who. For instance, if you are interested in working with a specific company, you can see if any of your friends' friends know or work at that specific firm. If you need an "in" somewhere, LinkedIn is where you should begin your search. Just remember to keep your profile up to date and professional, and connect with everyone you know.

Seminars and presentations

Not only is listening to influential and successful people very interesting and useful, but these types of events attract bright and well-connected people, so these events naturally tend to be great networking events as well. If you are going strictly for networking, you should be aware of what type of crowd a particular speaker will bring.


Vacations are always an interested and controversial way to network. On one hand, people go on vacation to get away from work. On the other hand, great vacation spots tend to attract fairly wealthy individuals. If you go on vacation, I urge you to forget about work for the duration of your trip. However, if you happen to meet the right people, try to at least exchange business information. The general rule of thumb in this situation is to refrain from exchanging business information or talking specifically about work until the second or third get-together.

Chamber of Commerce events

Your local Chamber of Commerce is a great place to learn and network. They host many events and are a valuable resource for all entrepreneurs. Google your local Chamber of Commerce to get some more information.

Golf courses and country club

Golf courses and country clubs are very similar to vacations in the crowds they attract, yet people at country clubs and golf courses are much more willing, even eager to talk business. Go play 18 with one friend and hope you two get paired up with great people.

Trade shows

There are about three trade shows for every industry imaginable each year. Find relevant trade shows and attend them regularly. You will eventually get to know some great people. Remember to dress-to-impress, bring business cards and samples if necessary, and be ready to talk! Even if you cannot attend as an exhibitor, attend as a guest and just browse - trust me it will be well worth it!

Alumni events
Did you attend college? If so, make sure your alumni association or alumni relations department have your contact information and keep you up-to-date with all events happening. It's always great to see old friend, and people are usually much more willing to help out fellow alumni.