Network Marketing belongs to one of the most money-spinning business around. You don't need to have a fortune to start this business; all you need is the patience and perseverance. Many people are engaging in this type of business because of the fact that you can start with an extremely low capital and you can earn a fortune as long as you do the work and in the long run you earn passive income from the leads that you acquired.
The Downside
Though this business has so much potential, many people still give up before they even get their first income because people get so excited and engrossed with the fact that they're going to have financial freedom and live the life that they dreamed of. Nevertheless, after a few months in the business, they stop and some would even believe that network marketing is really a scam.
The reason for this is it is very hard to do the traditional network marketing. You find prospect leads until you've exhausted all your sources of leads and after some time, you will find no more leads and prospects to invite into the network and you'll encounter cold-calling.
This is the worst that can happen to a network marketer. Cold-calling is the term used when you promote your business or product to people and they end up rejecting you proposals. A number of people can't stand a rejection that is why they end up quitting. Because of being rejected, people will their motivation to persevere and end up being pessimistic about things.
So how can a network marketer solve this problem? Well, Internet is the answer! Internet based network marketing is the end to your cold-calling misery. With Internet based network marketing the days when you have to persuade you family, relatives and friends are over. All you have to do is take control on the power of the Internet and let it do the work for you.
The Power of Internet
A lot of Internet based network marketing companies provide online tools to its member to make their business grow faster and easily. These tools would include websites that are personalized and an opt-in page. In you opt-in page, people who are interested to do business with you will give their contact information and it is up to you to do the follow-up.
With this process at hand, you don't have a chance to cold-call anyone. Still, you have the opportunity to promote you business to many people. The network marketing industry had changed over the years because of the power of the Internet. This is a new trend you have to get involved with because it is a magnificent platform for those who want their business to enter the international scene.
The end point here is that people who are patient and persistent are the ones who will succeed, especially on internet based network marketing. On the web, the first thing that you need to do is to keep people interested. Once you got them hooked, you have to follow up them immediately so that they will not lose their interest. Another important thing is to establish trust with these people. You can never get someone hooked if they do not trust you, so it's better to meet them in personal when they give you their contact info.
Once you get the hang of recruiting people on the internet, later you will be amazed on how large and widespread your downline is. Nevertheless, the Internet presents such an extensive array of prospective customers. All you can do is infiltrate it and everything will go as you please.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
networking jobs
The New Year has brought on many new trends in the job search world - and the same is true in the executive realm. As an executive, it's always good to stay in the know so that you don't fall behind on great ways to find jobs that may not have been available just a few months ago. If you're just getting started on your executive job search, or are continuing one you started months ago, you may be able to learn something from the executive job search trends of 2010.
Get On Board with Newer Technology
By now, you're probably well aware of the job search capabilities that Facebook and LinkedIn can offer you. However, there are some other technologies making their way to the forefront that could offer additional opportunities to connect with recruiters, post your resume or CV, or simply get your name in front of the public.
One site that is gaining notoriety is VisualCV, a site that allows you to house your portfolio of your personal marketing documents in one location. By signing up for a free account, you can add your work samples, charts, graphs, audio, video and images to your portfolio. Also, you can share your VisualCV via email or through your social networking sites. This is a fantastic way to show off your CV to the people that want to see it.
Also, you may consider creating a Google Profile. Since many job recruiters use Google to evaluate executives, you'll gain a big advantage by exercising as much control as possible over your results that pop up for your name. Google Profiles often show up as the first results for name searches, and allow people to find key information about your professional life. This is definitely a must at the executive level.
Sign Up With Twitter for Pete's Sake
If you have yet to sign up on Twitter, why not choose 2010 to do so? Many executives consider Twitter to be a narcissistic, juvenile site, but this couldn't be farther from the truth, as Twitter offers some great ways to engage with employers and successfully build your image.
Believe it or not, Twitter is a great place to be located by recruiters and key hiring decision makers on a daily basis. By setting up shop on this great social networking site, linking to LinkedIn as well as other blogs/resume locations and throwing out industry-friendly words of wisdom at least once a day, you'd be surprised just how many recruiters could find you.
Volunteer This Year
Taking time to give back to your community is not only a fulfilling experience, but is also a great way to beef up your job search. You can create more opportunities to add to your resume/CV and, even better, create great networking opportunities that would not have been available had you spend all of your job search time behind the computer.
Conducting an executive job search can be a tedious job, but it isn't so bad if you go about it the right way. Hopefully, these new and recurring trends will keep your job search moving in the right direction so that this time next year you'll be well settled into your next executive-level job.
Get On Board with Newer Technology
By now, you're probably well aware of the job search capabilities that Facebook and LinkedIn can offer you. However, there are some other technologies making their way to the forefront that could offer additional opportunities to connect with recruiters, post your resume or CV, or simply get your name in front of the public.
One site that is gaining notoriety is VisualCV, a site that allows you to house your portfolio of your personal marketing documents in one location. By signing up for a free account, you can add your work samples, charts, graphs, audio, video and images to your portfolio. Also, you can share your VisualCV via email or through your social networking sites. This is a fantastic way to show off your CV to the people that want to see it.
Also, you may consider creating a Google Profile. Since many job recruiters use Google to evaluate executives, you'll gain a big advantage by exercising as much control as possible over your results that pop up for your name. Google Profiles often show up as the first results for name searches, and allow people to find key information about your professional life. This is definitely a must at the executive level.
Sign Up With Twitter for Pete's Sake
If you have yet to sign up on Twitter, why not choose 2010 to do so? Many executives consider Twitter to be a narcissistic, juvenile site, but this couldn't be farther from the truth, as Twitter offers some great ways to engage with employers and successfully build your image.
Believe it or not, Twitter is a great place to be located by recruiters and key hiring decision makers on a daily basis. By setting up shop on this great social networking site, linking to LinkedIn as well as other blogs/resume locations and throwing out industry-friendly words of wisdom at least once a day, you'd be surprised just how many recruiters could find you.
Volunteer This Year
Taking time to give back to your community is not only a fulfilling experience, but is also a great way to beef up your job search. You can create more opportunities to add to your resume/CV and, even better, create great networking opportunities that would not have been available had you spend all of your job search time behind the computer.
Conducting an executive job search can be a tedious job, but it isn't so bad if you go about it the right way. Hopefully, these new and recurring trends will keep your job search moving in the right direction so that this time next year you'll be well settled into your next executive-level job.
womens on networking
Network Marketing is a largely female-based industry. In fact, women make up approximately 82% of the industry according to the Direct Selling Association. Network Marketing is the perfect match for all types of women due to its business model. As more and more women enter this workforce, it is evident that they are shaping the way Network Marketing works today.
Trend # 1 - Focusing On Customers
In the past, Network Marketing got a bad reputation because of the trend of recruiting. Previously, leaders would tell their downlines to generate income by utilizing recruiting tactics. Basically, the focus was taken off of the products and put onto getting more and more people to join, hoping they would stay. Women tend to have an inherent talent of establishing and maintaining relationships. In this aspect, women have been creating a shift in the industry by changing compensation plans to put more focus on the customers and products. In fact, many MLMs have changed their commission structure by requiring a certain volume of the product to be sold before you receive payment. Due to this movement, the Network Marketing industry has achieved a better reputation than it had in the past, and it has gained stability.
Trend # 2 - Social Networking
Social Networking has quickly become the hottest thing around, and just recently became an excellent marketing tool to expose business opportunities. As women began to focus more on customers, they realized relationships had to be established. To accomplish this, more and more Fan Pages, forums, blogs, chat rooms, etc., have been put up on social sites to promote connecting with others. Women are largely responsible for this trend as they ultimately fostered the concept of relationships before attempting to make a sale. This philosophy spawned yet another hot marketing trend: Attraction Marketing.
Trend # 3 - Research, Research, Research
Women tend to be more detail-oriented. As a result of this, women will tend to do their research before investing in any product or service. This research spread to their business interests as well. As women became more involved with MLMs, more and more information has become available on them. Simply "Googling" any MLM name will lead you to numerous MLM review sites, forums, chat rooms, e-books, and more, allowing a diversity of opinion and expressions to be shared with a wide audience. Prior to this new trend, you were required to contact a sales representative to find out more, and, of course, the sales rep's opinion would be skewed to the best interest of themselves and the company.
Trend # 4 -Mainstream
Women have launched Network Marketing into the mainstream media like no other force could. People love to focus on working mothers, especially in a new era of business development. We like to think of a world where stay-at-home moms can accomplish their business goals, raise their children, and maintain their home. But it doesn't just stop there. We also like to focus on women who start their entrepreneurial career after they're retired, or women who don't have the "required" educational background to "make it" these days, but who are now excelling. All these topics make great news stories, and with great news stories comes press attention. The amount of exposure that Network Marketing has had in the past year has tripled from the previous year, and things look like they're only getting better.
Trend # 1 - Focusing On Customers
In the past, Network Marketing got a bad reputation because of the trend of recruiting. Previously, leaders would tell their downlines to generate income by utilizing recruiting tactics. Basically, the focus was taken off of the products and put onto getting more and more people to join, hoping they would stay. Women tend to have an inherent talent of establishing and maintaining relationships. In this aspect, women have been creating a shift in the industry by changing compensation plans to put more focus on the customers and products. In fact, many MLMs have changed their commission structure by requiring a certain volume of the product to be sold before you receive payment. Due to this movement, the Network Marketing industry has achieved a better reputation than it had in the past, and it has gained stability.
Trend # 2 - Social Networking
Social Networking has quickly become the hottest thing around, and just recently became an excellent marketing tool to expose business opportunities. As women began to focus more on customers, they realized relationships had to be established. To accomplish this, more and more Fan Pages, forums, blogs, chat rooms, etc., have been put up on social sites to promote connecting with others. Women are largely responsible for this trend as they ultimately fostered the concept of relationships before attempting to make a sale. This philosophy spawned yet another hot marketing trend: Attraction Marketing.
Trend # 3 - Research, Research, Research
Women tend to be more detail-oriented. As a result of this, women will tend to do their research before investing in any product or service. This research spread to their business interests as well. As women became more involved with MLMs, more and more information has become available on them. Simply "Googling" any MLM name will lead you to numerous MLM review sites, forums, chat rooms, e-books, and more, allowing a diversity of opinion and expressions to be shared with a wide audience. Prior to this new trend, you were required to contact a sales representative to find out more, and, of course, the sales rep's opinion would be skewed to the best interest of themselves and the company.
Trend # 4 -Mainstream
Women have launched Network Marketing into the mainstream media like no other force could. People love to focus on working mothers, especially in a new era of business development. We like to think of a world where stay-at-home moms can accomplish their business goals, raise their children, and maintain their home. But it doesn't just stop there. We also like to focus on women who start their entrepreneurial career after they're retired, or women who don't have the "required" educational background to "make it" these days, but who are now excelling. All these topics make great news stories, and with great news stories comes press attention. The amount of exposure that Network Marketing has had in the past year has tripled from the previous year, and things look like they're only getting better.
In the early 1980's, John Naisbitt wrote in Megatrends about the emerging importance of the networking process in society. Later, Tom Peters wrote in Thriving on Chaos that this "process can be systematized."
When you stop to think about it, these two statements weren't made all that long ago. Networking and relationship marketing is a fairly new kid on the block. From the mid 80's to the 90's, systems and structures began to emerge that shifted a lot of business owners from a single-minded focus of direct selling to a broader scope which included relationship marketing and networking.
There are several emerging issues and trends surrounding the process of networking that are being created out of the need to find an effective way to develop business for entrepreneurs and sales people in this new century. I will address three of the most prominent trends that I believe will become more important in the coming years.
1. Online AND face-to-face networking will both continue to flourish.
I'm a proponent of online networks like and others. I think they will continue to grow successfully and help many of their members; however, they are not the final answer to business marketing or to networking. They are another great tool for people to connect with others (especially outside their local geographic area).
Referrals are, and will be for the foreseeable future, all about relationships. Whether they are relationships built online or face to face - they will still involve relationships. People refer people they know and trust. They will not regularly refer someone just because they are listed on a website - that's called advertising, not networking.
Online networking works, but relationships must still be part of the process. Using the internet to exchange ideas, share knowledge and increase your visibility will be imperative in the coming years. Virtual networking is a trend that is really catching on in many circles. Some people involved in face-to-face networking feel threatened, as if online networking is going to replace their tried and true system.
Those who foretell the demise of face-to-face networking fail to note one important thing... the facts. Face-to-face networking groups continue to expand. The growth rate of my own referral networking organization, BNI (, bears this out. Since the internet first became popular in the mid 90's, BNI has experienced a 1,186% growth rate. That is NOT a typo!
The more "high tech" business owners become, the more and more they really need to foster those "high touch" opportunities that face-to-face networking affords.
Virtual networking can be an effective way to increase your business and the internet can certainly be a great tool for staying in touch with those with whom you are currently networking, but I don't think it will replace face-to-face networking in our lifetime.
Technology flattens the communication hierarchy and provides opportunities to improve your networking efforts - not replace them. I believe people who understand this will begin to effectively utilize technology without replacing relationships to take their marketing to new levels in the years to come.
2. Networking & Social Capital Education.
Don't hold your breath for the colleges and universities of the world to begin teaching networking and social capital. At this point there are only two colleges in the world that offer regular, core-curriculum college courses on networking and social capital. One is at Davis College in Ohio taught by Debby Peters and the other is at the University of Michigan taught by Wayne Baker. That's it - two colleges!
The college and university systems are behemoths of bureaucracy that are so far behind the curve of small business development that I'm beginning to despair that they will ever catch on. Most professors have never had a real job in the business world and are completely out of touch with what is happening in real life, especially in small business.
When you stop to think about it, these two statements weren't made all that long ago. Networking and relationship marketing is a fairly new kid on the block. From the mid 80's to the 90's, systems and structures began to emerge that shifted a lot of business owners from a single-minded focus of direct selling to a broader scope which included relationship marketing and networking.
There are several emerging issues and trends surrounding the process of networking that are being created out of the need to find an effective way to develop business for entrepreneurs and sales people in this new century. I will address three of the most prominent trends that I believe will become more important in the coming years.
1. Online AND face-to-face networking will both continue to flourish.
I'm a proponent of online networks like and others. I think they will continue to grow successfully and help many of their members; however, they are not the final answer to business marketing or to networking. They are another great tool for people to connect with others (especially outside their local geographic area).
Referrals are, and will be for the foreseeable future, all about relationships. Whether they are relationships built online or face to face - they will still involve relationships. People refer people they know and trust. They will not regularly refer someone just because they are listed on a website - that's called advertising, not networking.
Online networking works, but relationships must still be part of the process. Using the internet to exchange ideas, share knowledge and increase your visibility will be imperative in the coming years. Virtual networking is a trend that is really catching on in many circles. Some people involved in face-to-face networking feel threatened, as if online networking is going to replace their tried and true system.
Those who foretell the demise of face-to-face networking fail to note one important thing... the facts. Face-to-face networking groups continue to expand. The growth rate of my own referral networking organization, BNI (, bears this out. Since the internet first became popular in the mid 90's, BNI has experienced a 1,186% growth rate. That is NOT a typo!
The more "high tech" business owners become, the more and more they really need to foster those "high touch" opportunities that face-to-face networking affords.
Virtual networking can be an effective way to increase your business and the internet can certainly be a great tool for staying in touch with those with whom you are currently networking, but I don't think it will replace face-to-face networking in our lifetime.
Technology flattens the communication hierarchy and provides opportunities to improve your networking efforts - not replace them. I believe people who understand this will begin to effectively utilize technology without replacing relationships to take their marketing to new levels in the years to come.
2. Networking & Social Capital Education.
Don't hold your breath for the colleges and universities of the world to begin teaching networking and social capital. At this point there are only two colleges in the world that offer regular, core-curriculum college courses on networking and social capital. One is at Davis College in Ohio taught by Debby Peters and the other is at the University of Michigan taught by Wayne Baker. That's it - two colleges!
The college and university systems are behemoths of bureaucracy that are so far behind the curve of small business development that I'm beginning to despair that they will ever catch on. Most professors have never had a real job in the business world and are completely out of touch with what is happening in real life, especially in small business.
Open your eyes my friends, there are major things happening today in this world. These trends will have a great effect in your business, some will directly affect your network marketing business, some will indirectly affect your network marketing business. The choice of ignorance of these trends will NOT be bliss 5 years from now.
A major trend in the world economy is the rising power of India and China, along with other nations gaining massive momentum.
A second trend happening now is the openness of mass collaboration, social media, internet, and technology.
The third trend is unfortunately a floundering US economy.
Over the next decade life and business will be changed due to these 3 trends. Many behemoth companies will perish. Many up and coming companies will excel. All currently existing companies including your home based business must see and take into account these major trends to stay on the edge, and to prevail through the next 10 years.
Let us take a closer look at the first trend of the rising powers of India and China. This is important because India represents 1.1 billion people and China represents 1.3 billion people. India's well-educated, young population has embraced state-of-the-art computer and information technologies, making their country one of the most important high-tech hubs in the world. This will enable you to soon be 1 click away from a large percentage of their entire population.
India's information technology and computer companies in Bangalore have been named as the world's second Silicon Valley. The expanding middle class, robust military establishment and the country's increasing sophistication in high-technology are shaping India as one of the rising political, economic and military powers. China is a different story, but the rise in both is inevitable. Knowing about it and taking action is important to anyone looking to build their network to dramatic sizes.
In regards to the second trend, the rapid growth of technology. There are many causes for this, the major one being the usage of mass collaboration. Did you know that Wikipedia recently had its 10 millionth article posted? They do not have employees doing those posts. Those post are done only by volunteer editors. Do you know how many people have created Myspace, Facebook, and hundreds of other websites into what they are today? Hundreds of Millions. If you are on the internet, you have most likely taken part in this mass collaboration consciously or not.
Mass collaboration is happening not only on the internet, it is happening among regular companies as well. Boeing, BMW, and PG&E are only a few companies utilizing the powers of the masses. As this technology grows ever stronger, knowledge will excel, and those utilizing these mass collaborative technologies will see quick success. This trend is backed by freedom of choice and true winning ways of doing business. Companies utilizing these means of doing business are opening their doors, and succeeding at dramatic rates compared to being closed and only relying on internal networks.
You can take advantage of today's remarkable technology and mass collaboration in multiple ways for example, you can take part in social networks, in social forums, and through creating your own small business groups to help everyone succeed faster. We live in a WE world, not a ME world. The internet has put us in a place where we can be in touch with almost anyone at any time. Because of the rapid pace of innovation, technology is improving faster than most people can handle. There is no reason to let this hold you back from learning.
The third trend is a floundering US economy. Will it turn? I have hope, as do many others.
Would you invest your life savings on hope? Your retirement? Your dreams? Would you bet your entire future on that 4 letter word. I will not, and I recommend that you take the action required to learn the skills you need to push through and become self sufficient, and non reliant on outside sources for your future. You have to in a sense learn to become your own bank. The currently failing economy got many sparks from the falling housing and mortgage market, as well as continual sparks from layoffs and downsizing of multiple large companies. There are tons of ways to get ahead out there, and due to all the positive trends previously discussed the opportunities are endless.
Network marketing is one great way to get ahead, if the sustained time and effort is put forth, success will be achieved. With all of the trends above in mind, a network marketing business makes a lot of sense.
In closing, it is important to note that these 3 massive trends are not separate from one another. The rising powers and capabilities of the world are exponentially increased with the fast paced innovations in technology, which are all rapidly increased by the powers of mass collaboration. The floundering economy of the US can take these trends into account and get better quicker by utilizing these trends, or as a whole. Or, as a whole the US economy may not take the trends into account, and therefore will deplete itself to worse conditions.
A major trend in the world economy is the rising power of India and China, along with other nations gaining massive momentum.
A second trend happening now is the openness of mass collaboration, social media, internet, and technology.
The third trend is unfortunately a floundering US economy.
Over the next decade life and business will be changed due to these 3 trends. Many behemoth companies will perish. Many up and coming companies will excel. All currently existing companies including your home based business must see and take into account these major trends to stay on the edge, and to prevail through the next 10 years.
Let us take a closer look at the first trend of the rising powers of India and China. This is important because India represents 1.1 billion people and China represents 1.3 billion people. India's well-educated, young population has embraced state-of-the-art computer and information technologies, making their country one of the most important high-tech hubs in the world. This will enable you to soon be 1 click away from a large percentage of their entire population.
India's information technology and computer companies in Bangalore have been named as the world's second Silicon Valley. The expanding middle class, robust military establishment and the country's increasing sophistication in high-technology are shaping India as one of the rising political, economic and military powers. China is a different story, but the rise in both is inevitable. Knowing about it and taking action is important to anyone looking to build their network to dramatic sizes.
In regards to the second trend, the rapid growth of technology. There are many causes for this, the major one being the usage of mass collaboration. Did you know that Wikipedia recently had its 10 millionth article posted? They do not have employees doing those posts. Those post are done only by volunteer editors. Do you know how many people have created Myspace, Facebook, and hundreds of other websites into what they are today? Hundreds of Millions. If you are on the internet, you have most likely taken part in this mass collaboration consciously or not.
Mass collaboration is happening not only on the internet, it is happening among regular companies as well. Boeing, BMW, and PG&E are only a few companies utilizing the powers of the masses. As this technology grows ever stronger, knowledge will excel, and those utilizing these mass collaborative technologies will see quick success. This trend is backed by freedom of choice and true winning ways of doing business. Companies utilizing these means of doing business are opening their doors, and succeeding at dramatic rates compared to being closed and only relying on internal networks.
You can take advantage of today's remarkable technology and mass collaboration in multiple ways for example, you can take part in social networks, in social forums, and through creating your own small business groups to help everyone succeed faster. We live in a WE world, not a ME world. The internet has put us in a place where we can be in touch with almost anyone at any time. Because of the rapid pace of innovation, technology is improving faster than most people can handle. There is no reason to let this hold you back from learning.
The third trend is a floundering US economy. Will it turn? I have hope, as do many others.
Would you invest your life savings on hope? Your retirement? Your dreams? Would you bet your entire future on that 4 letter word. I will not, and I recommend that you take the action required to learn the skills you need to push through and become self sufficient, and non reliant on outside sources for your future. You have to in a sense learn to become your own bank. The currently failing economy got many sparks from the falling housing and mortgage market, as well as continual sparks from layoffs and downsizing of multiple large companies. There are tons of ways to get ahead out there, and due to all the positive trends previously discussed the opportunities are endless.
Network marketing is one great way to get ahead, if the sustained time and effort is put forth, success will be achieved. With all of the trends above in mind, a network marketing business makes a lot of sense.
In closing, it is important to note that these 3 massive trends are not separate from one another. The rising powers and capabilities of the world are exponentially increased with the fast paced innovations in technology, which are all rapidly increased by the powers of mass collaboration. The floundering economy of the US can take these trends into account and get better quicker by utilizing these trends, or as a whole. Or, as a whole the US economy may not take the trends into account, and therefore will deplete itself to worse conditions.
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